Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Vegan Grain/Gluten-Free Veggie Plate with Tahini Sauce

After a very prolific trip to Sunflower Market, it was time to get those veggies on a plate!  Getting the timing right on these guys so they're all finished cooking at the same time is a little tricky, but it's such a nice filling meal....mmmmmm. The tahini sauce is a nice accompaniment to the veggies...ENJOY....

Vegan Grain/Gluten-Free Veggie Plate with Tahini Sauce
1 Corn on the Cob
5 Brussel Sprouts, cut in half
4 small Purple Potatoes, diced
1 Zucchini sliced into medallions
1/4 cup Tahini
2 teaspoons Lemon Juice
1 teaspoon fresh Chives, chopped
2 cloves Garlic, pressed through a garlic press
Herb Stop's Himalayan Salt
Herb Stop's Smoked Paprika

In a large pot, add water and a steamer basket.  Bring water to boil and add potatoes for 5 minutes then add brussel sprouts for 5 minutes.  Add corn for 5 minutes then zucchini for 5 minutes.  While veggies are cooking, make dressing.  Add tahini and lemon juice together.  Add water by the teaspoonful until thin, but not watery.  Add chives, garlic, a dash of smoked paprika and a dash of himalayan salt.  Mix well.  When veggies are done, pour the tahini sauce over them.

yummy sauce

beautiful veggies

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