Whew, it's been quite a month! After discovering that a friend and fellow herbalist had been lying to me for years, I was hurt and very upset. Not only because I thought days of retaining my lawyer were over, but I had given so much energy to help her. That being said, the emotional hurt was over in a couple days, but apparently that darn ulcer I had felt otherwise. Now that the shock has passed, I have realized that yet again here is a blessing in disguise!
I guess I should also mention that the month of May is always difficult - my brother's birthday is on the 7th. We hardly speak and he lives 1/2 way around the world making his birthday sad because we have not seen him in several years. Mother's day come next, which is also difficult for the same reasons.....although my mom and I can sure have an awesome time together anyway!! Then comes the death of my father. He died on the 18th eight years ago. So lets throw all those in a pot (or my tummy) and see if we can make that ulcer alive again. Darn. It happened. Luckily - actually unluckily - I have dealt with this before so I know exactly what to do. Herb Stop's Stomach Relief and bland bland bland food. Bummer. So, here I am with a fridge full of food that I can't eat! Well....maybe I'm exaggerating that a bit.
I remembered this last week how lucky I was to be able to eat foods like tomatoes, vinegar, spicy foods, etc. Well, I will be lucky again. As for now, potatoes, squash, potatoes, squash. That is my mantra. So to make food still beautiful I have to be reaaaaaally creative. I'll probably be able to make some neat foods in the next couple weeks. Please hang in there!
Bland Pretty Foods
6 baby patty pan squashes (1/2 yellow, 1/2 green)
3 broccolini stems
4 purple potatoes
3 mini zucchini
Steam, sprinkle with salt and enjoy!
The classic baked potato!
Funny enough, I was placed on a diet for 1 year when I was very sick that consisted of 1. potatoes, 2. broth and 3. polenta in the broth. So you'd think after a year of only potatoes that I'd never want to even look at one again....wrong. I absolutely love potatoes, lol. Here is a yummy potato cooking in our new halogen oven. It only took 40 minutes and it was super fluffy! Beats and hour and 30-45 minutes in a regular oven!
I've posted this yummy fella a few times. Julienned - actually it's more the french fry cut - potatoes and zucchini and the onion was left out. Simple and easy!
Anyway....I hope that you can all be patient with me while I'm healing <3
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