Sunday, April 17, 2011

Vegan Grain/Gluten-Free Salad Tacos

With my new Un-Fried Beans, my creative juices were flowing!  To add to that, I went to get my salad from Costco the other day and they didn't have my organic romaine hearts!!?!?!?!?!?!?!  Eeeeeeek! What was I to do?  Luckily they had this bag of 6 organic petite heirloom lettuces.  I get home from my costco adventure and there's all these lettuces that are definitely not romaine.  We have a multicolored leaf (which actually was like romaine), a leafy crazy looking red one and a cup like lettuce.  Now, my mom can attest to this, I am a strictly romaine kinda-gal.  As I'm looking at this lettuce I realize, hey! this is really pretty!  Then my mind went into art mode and I made a funny design on the plate.........then my crazy mind went to tacos but with salad!  It turned out delicious and very yummy!  ENJOY!!!

Vegan Grain/Gluten-Free Salad Tacos
5 leaves of Romaine-like Lettuce
5 leaves of Red Leaf Lettuce-like (I really have no idea what it was called, lol)
Un-Fried Beans (as much as desired), room temperature
1 Avocado, diced
2 Scallions, sliced
6 Grape/Cherry Tomatoes, diced
Lemon juice
1 teaspoon Nutritional Yeast

Lay romaine-like lettuce in a star pattern on a plate.  Decorate in between the leaves with the red lettuce. Scoop beans onto the lettuce down the center.  Layer avocado chunks, then tomatoes then scallions on top.  Squeeze some lemon juice over the top. Sprinkle nutritional yeast over the top and ENJOY!

If you want to further the decoration, cut a lemon in half then into sections - but do not cut all the way through - and place a tomato in the middle.

Pretty lettuce design
with added beans
added avocado
added tomatoes and scallions
so pretty!

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