As I sit here eating dinner, I'm feeling very guilty about not posting more recipes. In the recent month, I've had some issues. I get ahead of myself and think "Oh, I'm totally better! Let me do a deep cleanse!" Well, this ended up in disaster about a month ago.
I woke up in the middle of the night with that sense of pain. Once I awoke I thought, oh no! no! no! no! there is no way my gallbladder is doing this! Sadly, it was. After throwing up my lunch and dinner from the previous day - still whole, I might add - I went outside with my doggie and called my Mom. As I cried and cried telling her that I didn't have the strength to go through with this, I thought to myself that the alternative was either drugs or surgery. I knew I didn't want either, but I'm still trying to recover from being sick for nearly two years. How could I muster the energy to battle this?
Luckily my Mother came over and helped me with a million different herbs, teas, aloe, peppermint essential oil, lemon essential oil, reflexology and of course the backrubs to help loosen the excruciating spasms that shoot up to the right shoulder. After an hour or so, the vomiting commenced. Once that was done, my Husband went to my shop and got new treatments - ginger, alkaline water, etc. Long painful story later, I I thought.
Couple weeks later my Husband and I are at our house down in Mesa. I woke up with pain again. I had nothing there. Not even a tea. I decided I would mentally fight this! I can do this! I went to the dryer and heated up towels to put over my abdomen. At the third round, I realized it wasn't helping. On to hot water. At around 6 in the morning, I woke my husband up. My battle had failed. I was having the worst attack of my life. I told him we needed to leave, leave immediately. He scooped up our toothbrushes and essentials and he put me and my doggie in the car. Of course, Murphey's Law, we needed gas. As I writhed in agony, moaning loudly, my husband filled up the tank and got me some peppermints from the store. He got back in the car and we sped - I mean sped - back to Payson.
I never realized that you could vomit from pain until now. On our way up, I was crying, writhing in pure agony and moaning all of a sudden I said "stop the car right now!" My Hubby pulled over and I barely had time to open the door. Up it came!
Finally we got to our house up here and I started with the heating pad and my husband said what do you need? He had denied my previous begging of "take me to the hospital" knowing that I would be very upset with him the next day if he had listened to my pleading. My answer: drugs. I wanted drugs! Anyone that knows me, knows that this is completely out of character for me. He searched the cabinets for something. I had been prescribed pain killers from an accident I had where my little toe met the hard wood of my bed stand, and I never used them. So I began to take them. Finally I could stop thrashing around, although the pain was unbearable. Of course, this episode would not be complete without vomiting one more time. Of course that would be all stomach acid, which burned my sinus - making it impossible to breathe through my nose for two days, the end of my nose which is still raw and of course my esophagus right in the middle of my chest. At the end of the day, I doped myself up and brutally exhausted, I slept.
Waking up the next morning was very scary. As I silently cried to myself, I begged to please be able to at least have less pain. I did! I made it! The pain was still there, but I could handle it. I was very grateful my husband had taken such good care of me. He made me teas that I would take one sip of and I would tell him "nuh uh, try another one" and he would check my temperature, check my eyes for jaundice. My poor Mom, worried all day and night about me. I was a rough episode for all of us.
So, this is why there is a lack of recipes as of late. I have only been able to eat potatoes and squash for the last month. Luckily, I was able to expand my horizons this past week. I'm hoping in the next few weeks I'll be able to make some tasty treats for Thanksgiving!
Thank you for your understanding
<3 <3 <3
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