I started this blog for all the people out there that are struggling for ideas with their vegan or grain/gluten-free diet. Hoping this will inspire anyone with a restrictive diet.
I first became grain-free many years ago for health reasons. I had suffered from migraines for the majority of my life. Finally one day I was done with the pain. I went home and put everything in bags and gave my regular diet foods away. I went shopping and found that there were not many choices for grain-free. I started with the basics - salad and organic meats. Of course over time that became boring and my diet started to evolved into discovering new foods (like quinoa), baking without traditional flours and becoming creative out of necessity.
Eventually, I lost over 75 lbs using animal protein (chicken, dairy, etc), but one day I fell ill. My digestive system seemed to have failed me. Turns out I had ulcers and gastritis - ouchy. Once those issues were healed a new problem arose. I had gallstones - major ouchy! Against the advisement of the "professionals", I decided that as an herbalist and avid natural health promoter I wanted to keep my gallbladder. Overnight I became a vegan. With the help of my herbal remedies, cabbage tea, a vegan diet and the love/care/patience of my husband, I am gallstone-free and I still have my happy little gallbladder.
Anyhow, I love food! Love, love, love food! So, I got creative and, well, here are my creations! I hope you enjoy and if you have any suggestions, I am always open to any!

One month after beginning my natural treatment and becoming vegan:

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